Author Guideline

1)   Title

Writing Guidelines:

The title is written  straightforwardly and informatively,  consisting  of  8-14  words,  no    word analysis  or  juridical review. The title  should contain the findings   of  the study. The title  can  use the question   sentence.

Technical Guidelines:

Calisto MT 16pt typeface,bold,  capital letters only at the beginning of the word.

2)   Affiliation/Institution of Origin

Writing Guidelines:

Affiliates contain matters, including (1) theauthor's complete author without a degree, (2)  the author's affiliation/institution of origin,and (3) the author's e-mail.

Technical Guidelines:

Author's name: Calisto MT 12pt typeface and bold

Affiliation/author's institution: Calisto MT 12pt typeface

e-mail author: Calisto MT 12pt typeface and underlined            

3)   Abstract

Writing Guidelines:

The article should be accompanied by an abstract in the Indonesian. Abstracts written concisely, clearly, intact, independently and completely describe the essence of the overall content of the writing. Abstracts are written with a limit of 150-200 words. The abstract should be able to provide information to the reader about the background, objectives, methods, and results of the research. Use proper diction so that it can describe the results of your research effectively.

Technical Guidelines:

Calisto MT 12pt typeface and single space.

4)   Keywords

Writing Guidelines

Use 3-5 keywords/key phrases that  reflect your article idea. Without naming the institution, rules,  and location.

Technical Guidelines

Calisto MT 12pt typeface, between keywords separated by semicolons (;)

5)   Introduction

Writing Guidelines

The introduction contains about the background of writing articles that contain academic anxiety and can be supplemented with statistical data. The author should include a previous study (literaturereview) to show the expertise of the study. Previous studies came from scientific journal articles that had been published first. This is to show  the state of the art. At least 10 articles published in the last 3-5 years.  The author should point out the advantages and disadvantages of previous research, then showed what  Anda expects from  Anda's work(to solve these limitations) formulated in the research objectives. Ideally, the introduction amounts to 10% of the total words in the discussion. The background contains the main questions on the issues to be discussed (researchquestion)and find asolution. If the results of writing are empirical research using certain methods, then it can be explained how the method is applied. In addition, the background contains the main argument as the answer to the previous main question. maximum 10 % from total word in the article.

Technical Guidelines

Calisto MT 12pt typeface, single space

6)   Results and Discussions

Writing Guidelines

The results of the study should be written clearly and concisely. The results of the study should better summarize the findings of the study rather than detailed data. It is advisable to provide a review of the differences between your results or findings and previous research. Discussion is the most important part of your article. Here, you get the opportunity to explore your data. It usually begins with a summary of the research findings and is then discussed with various theories or related references. The theory or reference used must be accompanied by a clear source of reference. Kajian theory becomes an integral part in the subtitle  pembahasan. Manuscript length  between  5000-7000 words,  excluding    bibliography. The manuscript  must be  free  from  plagiarism,scan  similarity a maximum of  25%.

Technical Guidelines

Calisto MT 12pt typeface and single space. It is not expected to use  bullets  and  numbering in subtitles or  bodytext. If there is numbering in a sentence or in discussion,  writing in a paragraph directly using numbers in parentheses, for example: The family has several main functions, including: (1) Educational functions; (2) Religious functions; (3) Economic function; (4) etc.

7)   Conclusion

Writing Guidelines

Conclusions should answer the research objectives formulated briefly and effectively. Conclusion is not a resume of discussions that have been done. Conclusions are expected to contain theoretical implications that contain how your research or thinking can advance the scientific field of family law. Without a clear conclusion, your partners and readers will find it difficult to judge your work. Instead, you should also suggest the next research and show the researchers what to do, answer thegoals,  and comment on the findings and provide  recommendations and/or implications. Conclusions do not need  references and data that are statisticalinnature.

Technical Guidelines

Calisto MT 12pt typeface and single space.

8)   Reference and Bibliography

Writing Guidelines

Footnote writing guidelines and reference lists using the Chicago Citation Style 17th Fullnote. How to citation and write is recommended using reference manager  Zotero or Mendeley. the references used in the article are at least 20 sources, 60% are from relevant journal articles in the last 3 years

Table 1. Book Writing


Penulisan Footnote

Bibliography Writing

Books with 1 author

Khoirul Hidayah, Intellectual Property Rights Law  (Malang: Setara Press, 2017), 65.

Hidayah, Khoirul. Intellectual Property Rights Law. Malang: Setara Press, 2017.

Books with 2 or 3 authors

Khoirul Hidayah, Sudirman, and Imam Sukadi Intellectual Property Rights Law  (Malang: Setara Press, 2017), 65.

Hidayah, Khoirul, Sudirman, and Imam Sukadi Intellectual Property Rights Law. Malang: Setara Press, 2017.


Books with more than 3 authors

Khoirul Hidayah et al., Intellectual Property Rights Law  (Malang: Setara Press, 2017), 65.

Hidayah, Khoirul, Sudirman, Imam Sukadi, and Erik Sabti.  Intellectual Property Rights Law. Malang: Setara Press, 2017.





Simon Unwin, Analysing Architecture (Hoboken: Taylor and Francis, 2009), FullRecord.aspx?p=369114

Unwin, Simon. Analysing Architecture. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis, 2009. FullRecord. aspx?p+369114.


Table. 2  Journals and Procceding




Print Journal

Khoirul Hidayah, "Interpretation of The Meaning of Taxes on Boarding Houses In Local Tax Collection: Hermeneutics Study," Legal Arena,  no. 3(2017): 418


Hidayah, Khoirul. "Interpretation of The Meaning of Taxes on Boarding Houses In Local Tax Collection: Hermeneutics Study,"Legal Arena,  no. 3(2017): 402-424


Online Journals with DOI

Khoirul Hidayah, "Interpretation of The Meaning of Taxes on Boarding Houses in Local Tax Collection: Hermeneutics Study," Legal Arena,  no. 3(2017): 418

Hidayah, Khoirul. "Interpretation of The Meaning of Taxes on Boarding Houses in Local Tax Collection: Hermeneutics Study,"Legal Arena,  no. 3(2017): 402-424

Online Journals are not yet DOI

Khoirul Hidayah, "Interpretation of The Meaning of Taxes on Boarding Houses In Local Tax Collection: Hermeneutics Study," Legal Arena,  no. 3(2017): 418

Hidayah, Khoirul. "Interpretation of The Meaning of Taxes on Boarding Houses in Local Tax Collection: Hermeneutics Study," "Legal Arena,  no. 3(2017): 402-424

Online mass media

Troy Bramston, "Oldest ANZAC Cove Memorial Returns," The Australian, Sept  10, 2014,!?&_suid=150908938792205600957033914544. (alamat Url)

Bramston, Troy. "Oldest ANZAC Cove Memorial Returns." The Australian, Sept  10, 2014.!?&_suid=150908938792205600957033914544. (alamat Url)

Conference procceding in electronic media

Philip H. Bay, "Social and environmental dimensions in ecologically sustainable design: towards a methodology of ranking levels of social interactions in semi-open and open spaces in dense residential environments in Singapore," in Subtropical Cities 2011: Subtropical Urbanism Beyond Climate Change, (Florida: Florida Atlantic, 2011), 162-176, accessed September 19, 2017,

Bay, Philip H. "Social and environmental dimensions in ecologically sustainable design: towards a methodology of ranking levels of social interactions in semi-open and open spaces in dense residential environments in Singapore." In Subtropical Cities 2011: Subtropical Urbanism Beyond Climate Change, 162-176. Florida: Florida Atlantic, 2011. Accessed September 19, 2017.


Table 3. Internet/Website Reference Writing





Mutia Fauzia,"BI: Sharia Economy Could Be The Solution of Global Economic Uncertainty,"  Kompas,December 13, 2018, accessed May 10, 2019,



Fauzia, Mutia "BI: Sharia Economy Could Be The Solution of Global Economic Uncertainty," Kompas,December 13, 2018, accessed May 10, 2019,


Thesis in electronic media

Denni Widjaksono Pribadi,"E-commerce transactions through bigo live application program akad ijarah perspective" (Undergraduatethesis, Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University Malang, 2017),

Personally, Denni Widjaksono. "E-commerce transactions through bigo live application program perspective akad ijarah",  Undergraduate thesis, Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University Malang, 2017.


Interview results

Sudirman (Chairman of BMT Insan Amanah), interview results, May 24, 2019


No need to write

Here's how to write the same footnote in the article:

  1. Khoirul Hidayah, Intellectual Property Rights Law  (Malang: Setara Press, 2017), 65. (First time cited in footnotes).
  2. Hidayah, Intellectual Property Rights Law,75
  3. Erfaniah Zuhriah, Religious Justice in Indonesia in the span of history and ups and downs  (Malang: UIN Press, 2008), 65.
  4. Hidayah, Intellectual Property Rights Law,105