Pembangkitan Fraktal Koch Anti-Snowflake (m,n,c) Menggunakan Metode Transformasi Affine

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Ellenda Alkhori Alkhori Kosala Dwidja Purnomo Bagus Juliyanto


Fractal Koch Anti-Snowflake (m,n,c) is a developmental form of fractal Koch Anti-Snowflake (m,n,c) with variation of m is initiator (basic form) using polygon-m and with variation of n is generator (iteration) using polygon-n. While c the size of the middle segment that removed on each side of initiator. Each iteration on generation procedure of Koch Anti-Snowflake (m,n,c) using affine transformation method will produce several forms, the first form is Koch Anti-Snowflake (m.n,c) that does not intersect with variation of initiator polygon-m, variation of generator polygon-n, and the selected c value that is a half the upper limit value ​​have been specified. The Second forms is Koch Anti-Snowflake (m,n,c) coincide with a variation of the initiator polygon-m, variation of generator polygon-n and there are variation value of  c which is less than half of the upper limit in the value of c selected. The third form is Koch Anti-Snowflake (m,n,c) intersect with a variation of the initiator polygon-m and variation of generator polygon-n, variation of the initiator polygon-m and variation of generator polygon-n with the selected variation c value which is close enough with the  upper limit of  value specified is c-0,00001.

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How to Cite
ALKHORI, Ellenda Alkhori; PURNOMO, Kosala Dwidja; JULIYANTO, Bagus. Pembangkitan Fraktal Koch Anti-Snowflake (m,n,c) Menggunakan Metode Transformasi Affine. Prosiding SI MaNIs (Seminar Nasional Integrasi Matematika dan Nilai-Nilai Islami), [S.l.], v. 3, n. 1, p. [011-016], feb. 2020. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 25 apr. 2024.


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