Higher Order Thinking Skills of Students in Solving Linear Programming Problem Based on Bloom’s Taxonomy

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Pradina Parameswari


Higher order thinking skills (HOTS) was one of the important competencies in 21st century learning, so it must have for every student. To respond this statement, the researcher conducted a study aimed to describe how students used higher-order thinking skills based on Bloom's taxonomy in solving mathematical problems. This study was a qualitative-descriptive research. The study was followed by 17 students of class XI MIPA 3. The problem was given in the form of a HOTS’s type linear programming problem. The results of this study showed that the majority of students were still unable to use higher-order thinking skills by well. It was seen that most students were only able to reach the level of analyzing (making mathematical models based on the problem). For the next level of evaluating (determining the minimize cases) was only achieved by one student. There was only one student who can reach the HOTS level up to the creating level (finding solutions through graph and mathematical procedures and conclusion). The lack of students 'skill to solve HOTS’s type linear programming problem needs to be followed up by students practice through giving problems with HOTS-oriented in order to improve students' thinking skill in solving mathematical problems.

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How to Cite
PARAMESWARI, Pradina. Higher Order Thinking Skills of Students in Solving Linear Programming Problem Based on Bloom’s Taxonomy. Proceeding of International Conference on Islamic Education (ICIED), [S.l.], v. 4, n. 1, p. 73-83, dec. 2019. ISSN 2613-9804. Available at: <http://conferences.uin-malang.ac.id/index.php/icied/article/view/1069>. Date accessed: 24 apr. 2024.