LGBT Marriage from the Perspective of Jasser Auda's Systems Theory

  • Erwin Erwin UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
  • Syabbul Bachri UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang


LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) marriage is one of the highly controversial topics worldwide. This issue has led to three different stances among countries, namely those that support, oppose, and remain neutral (without specific governing laws). This research aims to discuss the analysis of LGBT marriage from the perspective of Jasser Auda's System Theory. The goal is to understand the legality of LGBT marriage in Indonesia and how LGBT marriage is viewed from the standpoint of Jasser Auda's system theory. This study falls under the category of normative juridical research, considering law as what is written in legislation. The approach used is a descriptive-analytical approach, where the researcher attempts to analyze legal issues using Jasser Auda's system theory. The research findings indicate that LGBT marriage cannot be legalized in Indonesia based on the system theory. Through the analysis of six system features: first, Cognitive Nature, it is found that LGBT marriage is considered forbidden as it goes against the natural order, human instincts, and is deemed an act of Satan. In terms of Wholeness, it is also forbidden due to its immorality, exceeding boundaries, and bringing punishment. Concerning Openness, LGBT marriage is considered harmful to religion, society, health, and various other fields. Furthermore, in terms of Interrelated Hierarchy, LGBT marriage is deemed inconsistent with maqashid al-ammah, khassah, and juz'iyyah, as well as the social nature of humans, conflicting with established norms.

How to Cite
ERWIN, Erwin; BACHRI, Syabbul. LGBT Marriage from the Perspective of Jasser Auda's Systems Theory. International Conference on Law, Technology, Spirituality and Society (ICOLESS), [S.l.], v. 4, p. 152-168, oct. 2024. ISSN 2828-111X. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 05 feb. 2025.